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#1 13.02.2015 00:44:55

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К-ть повідомлень: 10
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Postdoctoral position in Organic Chemistry / Orlean, France

Постдокторская позиция в химии С-нуклеозидов

Postdoctoral position in Organic Chemistry is available in the team of Professor Luigi A. Agrofoglio at the ICOA UMR CNRS 7311 of the  University or Orléans (France) to work on a project  "Inhibitors of some DNA glycosylases in cancer therapy" supported by Région Centre. The appointment is for one year and will be renewable for up to one year depending on performance of the candidate.

The Postdoctoral Research Associate will assume a leading role in a team involving several graduate students. Specifically, the post-doctoral fellow will be responsible for the synthesis of small heterocycles and carbanucleosides. The candidate must have a strong backgroung in organic chemistry with expertises in modern tools of organic chemistry (Pd(0), olefin metathesis, CH activation, ....). The project is interdisciplinary and involves collaborations with structural biochemists and RNA biologists.

The successful candidate must have a Ph.D. in synthetic organic chemistry, be hard worker; an experience with nucleoside and heterocycle synthesis will be an advantage. The position will available starting as soon as possible will be filled no later than June 30, 2015.

For more information and to apply contact Professor Luigi A. Agrofoglio at luigi.agrofoglio@univ-orleans.fr

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