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#1 22.02.2008 04:40:42

Реєстрація: 29.11.2005
К-ть повідомлень: 378

POSTDOCTORAL POSITION in mechanistic inorganic chemistry

POSTDOCTORAL POSITION in mechanistic inorganic chemistry is available immediately

in the research group of Prof. Elena Rybak-Akimova at Tufts University (greater Boston area).

The NSF-funded project is focused on mechanistic studies of nitrogen and phosphorous activation and functionalization, and will involve close collaborations with MIT (Prof. Cummins) and U. Miami (Prof. Hoff). 
Skills in manipulations of extremely air-sensitive compounds are essential. Experience in kinetic and mechanistic studies is desirable. Successful applicant will participate in collaborative efforts in the synthesis of coordinatively unsaturated transition metal complexes and in reaction discovery, and will lead the efforts in determining kinetics and mechanisms of the key steps in nitrogen and phosphorous functionalization. A new anaerobic, cryogenic stopped-flow spectrophotometer will be available for characterizing rapid reactions.

Please send a CV, a list of publications, and a cover letter describing relevant experience by email to:
Please be prepared to send 2-3 letters of reference upon request.
Review of applications will begin on March 1, 2008 and will continue till position is filled. The initial appointment will be for one year with a possible extension.

Physics is like sex: sure, it may give some practical results, but that's not why we do it.

                                                                                                       Richard Feynman

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