Форум хімфаку КНУ

Неформальне спілкування навколо факультетського життя

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Увага! Пошта в доменах Яндекс і Mail.ru не працюватиме у профілях форумчан через введені урядом України санкції проти цих компаній. Всім, хто раніше використовував подібну пошту, для збереження колишньої функціональності форуму, рекомендується змінити її.

Форум є місцем неформального спілкування абітурієнтів, студентів, випускників та співробітників факультету. Всі повідомлення, опубліковані на форумі, відображають виключно точку зору їхніх авторів і, в жодному разі, не є офіційною позицією факультету. Зі свого боку, адміністрація форуму стежить лише за дотриманням загальноприйнятих норм громадського спілкування та технічною працездатністю форуму.

Для тих, хто не має кириличної розкладки клавіатури - віртуальна клавіатура. Бажаємо вам приємного проведення часу!

#1 13.05.2005 13:57:16

Місце: КНУ, химфак
Реєстрація: 12.05.2005
К-ть повідомлень: 804

Список заблокированных машин

Список компьютеров, заблокированных за грубое нарушение правил пользования доступом к Интернет КНУ им. Т. Г. Шевченко:


IP адрес: * контроль с 11.01.2022,
Дата закрытия: 29.12.2021
Причина закрытия: Навязчивое сканирование портов в локальной сети:

Прихований текст
Dec 29 15:38:57 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1381 to []:80 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:38:57 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1395 to []:515 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:38:57 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1409 to []:554 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:38:57 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1437 to []:9100 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:38:57 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1465 to []:515 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:38:57 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1471 to []:554 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:38:57 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1479 to []:80 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:38:57 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1515 to []:9100 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:38:57 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1533 to []:9100 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:38:57 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1539 to []:80 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:38:57 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1548 to []:515 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:38:58 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1563 to []:554 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:38:58 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1570 to []:554 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:38:58 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1588 to []:9100 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:38:58 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1620 to []:80 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:38:58 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1627 to []:515 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:38:59 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1642 to []:554 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:38:59 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1664 to []:9100 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:38:59 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1983 to []:80 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:00 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:2285 to []:515 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:00 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:2402 to []:80 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:01 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:2424 to []:554 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:01 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:2443 to []:9100 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:02 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:2485 to []:515 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:02 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:2534 to []:80 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:03 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:2555 to []:554 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:09 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:2864 to []:20 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:10 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:2895 to []:22 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:10 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:2911 to []:23 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:10 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:2932 to []:25 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:10 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:2979 to []:110 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:10 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:2991 to []:443 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:10 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:3021 to []:548 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:10 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:3209 to []:631 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:10 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:3300 to []:873 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:10 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:3463 to []:993 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:10 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:3578 to []:3389 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:10 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:3593 to []:5000 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:10 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:3607 to []:8554 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:10 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:3620 to []:10554 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:10 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:3635 to []:81 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:10 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:3648 to []:111 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:10 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:3664 to []:135 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:11 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:3679 to []:161 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:12 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:2864 to []:20 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:13 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:2895 to []:22 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:13 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:2911 to []:23 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:13 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:2932 to []:25 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:13 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:2979 to []:110 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:13 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:2991 to []:443 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:13 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:3463 to []:993 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:13 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:3300 to []:873 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:13 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:3021 to []:548 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:13 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:3209 to []:631 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:13 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:3578 to []:3389 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:13 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:3593 to []:5000 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:13 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:3607 to []:8554 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:13 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:3620 to []:10554 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:13 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:3635 to []:81 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:18 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:2864 to []:20 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:19 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:2895 to []:22 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:19 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:2911 to []:23 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:19 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:2932 to []:25 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:19 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:2979 to []:110 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:19 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:2991 to []:443 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:19 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:3463 to []:993 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:19 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:3300 to []:873 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:19 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:3021 to []:548 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:19 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:3209 to []:631 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:19 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:3578 to []:3389 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:19 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:3593 to []:5000 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:19 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:3607 to []:8554 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:19 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:3620 to []:10554 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:19 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:3635 to []:81 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:20 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:3691 to []:389 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:23 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:3691 to []:389 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:23 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:3705 to []:427 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:25 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:3886 to []:500 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:26 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:3705 to []:427 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:26 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:3933 to []:1433 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:26 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:4079 to []:1434 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:26 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:4092 to []:1883 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:26 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:4104 to []:1723 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:26 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:4118 to []:2323 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:26 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:4132 to []:3074 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:26 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:4148 to []:3128 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:26 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:4161 to []:4070 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:27 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:4177 to []:4071 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:27 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:4191 to []:4567 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:27 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:4210 to []:4786 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:27 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:4224 to []:5060 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:27 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:4238 to []:5357 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:27 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:4718 to []:5431 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:27 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:4753 to []:5555 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:27 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:4972 to []:7547 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:27 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1167 to []:8000 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:27 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1286 to []:8008 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:27 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1300 to []:8009 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:27 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1317 to []:8080 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:27 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1341 to []:8081 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:27 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1361 to []:8099 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:27 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1375 to []:8291 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:27 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1392 to []:8443 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:27 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1419 to []:8880 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:27 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1438 to []:8883 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:27 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1618 to []:9293 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:27 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1676 to []:9295 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:27 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1752 to []:9527 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:27 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1763 to []:12323 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:27 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1775 to []:16992 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:27 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1809 to []:16993 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:28 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1827 to []:20005 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:28 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:2007 to []:32764 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:28 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:2120 to []:37215 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:28 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:2171 to []:49152 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:28 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:2301 to []:52869 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:28 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:2346 to []:59777 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:28 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:3886 to []:500 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:29 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:3691 to []:389 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:29 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:3933 to []:1433 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:29 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:4079 to []:1434 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:29 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:4092 to []:1883 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:29 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:4132 to []:3074 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:29 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:4118 to []:2323 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:29 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:4104 to []:1723 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:29 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:4161 to []:4070 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:29 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:4148 to []:3128 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:30 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:4191 to []:4567 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:30 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:4177 to []:4071 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:30 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:4210 to []:4786 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:30 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:4224 to []:5060 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:30 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:4718 to []:5431 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:30 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:4753 to []:5555 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:30 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:4972 to []:7547 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:30 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:4238 to []:5357 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:30 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1167 to []:8000 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:30 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1286 to []:8008 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:30 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1317 to []:8080 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:30 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1300 to []:8009 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:30 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1361 to []:8099 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:30 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1341 to []:8081 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:30 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1375 to []:8291 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:30 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1392 to []:8443 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:30 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1419 to []:8880 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:30 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1618 to []:9293 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:30 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1438 to []:8883 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:30 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1763 to []:12323 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:30 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1676 to []:9295 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:30 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1752 to []:9527 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:30 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1775 to []:16992 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:30 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1809 to []:16993 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:31 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:1827 to []:20005 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:31 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:2120 to []:37215 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:31 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:2171 to []:49152 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:31 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:2007 to []:32764 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:31 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:2346 to []:59777 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:31 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:2301 to []:52869 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:32 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:3705 to []:427 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port
Dec 29 15:39:34 chem-gw kernel: TCP: []:3886 to []:500 tcpflags 0x2<SYN>; tcp_input: Connection attempt to closed port

Для открытия доступа Вам следует написать заявление и отнести его в ИВС факультета (комн. 129).

Это сообщение будет обновляться по мере дальнейшего развития событий.

Відредаговано adsh (29.12.2021 22:15:25)

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[Bot] ClaudeBot

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Під управлінням FluxBB
Модифікував Visman

[ Згенеровано за 0.039 секунд, виконано 7 запитів - Використано пам'яті: 645.04 КБ (Пік: 750.07 КБ) ]