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Для тих, хто не має кириличної розкладки клавіатури - віртуальна клавіатура. Бажаємо вам приємного проведення часу!

#1 21.07.2016 19:13:54

Місце: Бразилия
Реєстрація: 15.05.2005
К-ть повідомлень: 238
Windows 7Chrome 51.0

Аспирантура во Франции (Лиль) и Китае

Dear colleague,
Please find below information about a PhD position available in UCCS (Lille, France) and E2P2L (Shanghai, China). We are searching for an excellent candidate based on a recommendation.
I would appreciate if you could recommend a candidate or suggest a person who may have such a recommendation.
With many thanks,
Best regards,

Andrei Khodakov
Dr Hab. Andrei Khodakov, CNRS Research Director
Unité de catalyse et chimie du solide, UMR 8181 CNRS
Université Lille 1, Sciences et Technologies
Bât. C3, Cité Scientifique
59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq, France

PhD project
The goal of this PhD project funded by Solvay and University of Lille is to significantly improve the selectivity of alcohol amination by engineering novel cutting-edge meso- and micro-structured materials. The work will involve intelligent catalyst synthesis, extensive characterization and catalytic tests. The PhD research will be shared (50%/50%) between the Catalysis and Solid State Chemistry Laboratory (UCCS, uccs.univ-lille1.fr) in Lille (France) and International Joint Research Lab for Ecoefficient Products and Processes (E2P2L) (www.e2p2l.com) in Shanghai (China).
Highly motivated and excellent candidates holding an MSc degree in catalysis, chemical engineering or related subjects are strongly encouraged to apply. Experience with catalyst synthesis, characterization, catalytic reactors and GC analysis is highly appreciated. Communication skills (oral, written, presentation).  Proficiency in English (speaking and writing publications).
The applicants should mail their detailed curriculum vitae, a short statement explaining their interest for this PhD project and names and contact details of three references to vitaly.ordomsky-ext@solvay.com and andrei.khodakov@univ-lille1.fr

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