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Для тих, хто не має кириличної розкладки клавіатури - віртуальна клавіатура. Бажаємо вам приємного проведення часу!

#1 26.10.2011 02:18:03

Реєстрація: 29.11.2005
К-ть повідомлень: 378

Post-doctoral position in Toulouse (France)

Post-doctoral position in Molecular Chemistry Starting early 2012 in Toulouse (France)
A post-doctoral research position is available in the group of Dr. Didier Bourissou in Toulouse, France. One of our main research topics concerns transition metal complexes deriving from polyfunctional ligands. Accordingly, phosphine-boranes and related systems have been shown to possess versatile behavior and better insight has been gain into the scope, nature and influence of metal→Lewis acid interactions.1 We are currently extending this approach and taking advantage of donor buttresses to support the coordination and activation of -bonds.2 The successful candidate will explore further this area. Research efforts will be focused on the preparation / characterization of new complexes deriving from polyfunctional ligands, as well as on the study of their reactivity.
This position requires a PhD in organometallic and/or main group chemistry. The candidate should have a strong experience in synthesis (Schlenk techniques, glovebox) and characterization (NMR and X-Ray) of sensitive compounds. The candidate should be very enthusiastic and autonomous, and should appreciate to work closely with a team.
For further details about the position, please contact Dr. Didier Bourissou: dbouriss@chimie.ups-tlse.fr. Interested candidates may send via email a CV (with contact information of two references).

Physics is like sex: sure, it may give some practical results, but that's not why we do it.

                                                                                                       Richard Feynman

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